The birth of Vyacheslav was awaited and very happy, because this is the first long-awaited child in the family. The boy grew and developed up to a year according to all norms, but at the age of one and six months, the child had propulsions with loss of consciousness at least once a day. Of course, the parents turned to the doctors, began an examination and learned about several diagnoses of their boy: Langost-Gasto syndrome, phakomatous tuberous sclerosis and autism. The child does not understand the spoken language, does not speak, there are big problems with sleep and nutrition, with self-care skills. Unfortunately, there is no treatment for autism, you need systematic classes with a psychologist, a speech therapist, a speech pathologist for speech development, and sensory integration.
So that the child can socialize in the future, it is necessary not to waste time now. My mother turned to the Foundation and we paid for the intensive neuro-speech therapy.Of course, this is only the beginning of the path for Vyacheslav and his parents in socialization, because you need to work constantly and persistently. As the mother says, the help of the Foundation is very important, because she is also present at the classes and sees how it is necessary to interact with her son in order to continue his studies at home.
We believe that everything will be fine with Vyacheslav and we want to support as many children as possible who need help.
The donation amount is non-refundable, and the funds are distributed among the foundation's projects
Contact us if you have questions or inquiries
Zaliznychne shose, 57, Kyiv