If medicine is powerless

Helping the family of a girl with a genetic disease


Ulyana's family are immigrants from Kherson. It is very difficult to start all over again, in a foreign city, with the whole family, without your own home, things, means of livelihood, and also when someone is sick.
9-year-old Ulyana has an incurable genetic disease Mucopolysaccharidosis.
We decided to help Ulyana and her family by making their lives easier. After communicating with the mother, our Foundation purchased what the girl needs first of all: an orthopedic mattress and pillow, a blender for grinding food, special a chair for bathing, a supply of diapers for six months.
Since everything is developing rapidly, we really hope that scientists and doctors will still invent means that will help to cope with this disease.


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Zaliznychne shose, 57, Kyiv

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